Monday, August 2, 2010

How to define your calling

A calling is your service to the Body of Christ and others, as an ambassador of Christ.

Everyone is called. A calling is not reserved for pastors and evangelists.

According to Matthew 22:14 (KJV), "Many are called, but few are chosen." Of course, this scripture is not necessarily talking about your mission in life, but the scripture makes a sound point.

Many people are not fulfilling their calling - not using their gifts and talents. And so we have many unfulfilled people. Unfulfilled people are unhappy. They are tempted to seek ungodly or destructive ways to become fulfilled. Sometimes, they get distracted and side-tracked doing good things, but not the best  things that compliment their gifts.

How do you know your calling?

I have been taught that you identify your calling in these following ways:
  1. Notice what God is doing in your family.
  2. Listen to what the Lord has spoken to you directly.
  3. Observe where there is a need and how compelled you are to fulfill it.
  4. Consider your vocation.
Your career and calling could be the same. The latest buzz word in the Church is "marketplace ministry."  The concept is not new. In fact, you can think of it as the fufillment of the Great Commission:

He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. Mark 16:15 NIV
A fantastic wave of creativity is happening in the Body of Christ. We are shedding religious thinking about ministry and embracing various, 21st century venues for ministry.

Whether you called to five-fold ministry (pastor, teacher, apostle, evangelist, or prophet), ministry of helps, marketplace ministry, or something else, you are required to perfect it and be a good steward of it.

Do you need some help identifying your calling and gifts? Maybe you need a little assurance.

Take the Motivational Gifts Survey,

It's a simple assessment to discover your gifts according to Romans 12 and how to best use them.

Click here

Share your results.

PS . Your score card will show percentages in each of the 7 gifts. It is possible to have 100% for each gift.

Here are my scores:

Teacher 100%
Server 85%
Showing Mercy 68%
Giver 65%
Perceiver 55%
Ruler 55%
Encourager 50%

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